Tooku awa koiora me oona pikonga he kura tangihia o te maataamuri.

The river of life, each curve more beautiful than the last.

The Restoration Strategy represents an exciting new chapter in our ongoing work to restore and protect the Waikato and Waipā rivers.

It was developed through a partnership between Waikato River Authority, Waikato Regional Council and DairyNZ with support from mana whenua, landowners and many other people in the catchment.

The strategy provides a framework to help with ‘on the ground’ activities for restoration work, and allows us to coordinate efforts. Our biggest strength is the ability to work together to achieve significant changes.

The Restoration Strategy is for anyone wanting to undertake restoration work, from organisations and councils, to local iwi and community groups. The goals and projects selected have specific, technically achievable and prioritised actions so you can be sure you’re making the biggest difference in the Waikato catchment.