In most cases, contact has not yet been made with individual landowners about the possible scope of works identified as funding priorities and opportunities. Nor have individual funders been contacted to specifically identify projects that meet their criteria. Therefore, the assumptions that have been made in developing the priority projects include:
- organisations or individuals looking to implement identified projects will undertake all required landowner consultation during their project planning
- all works are entirely voluntary and private landowners are not obliged to provide permission or funding for any proposed works. Inclusion of a project in the Restoration Strategy should not be seen as an encumbrance on any landowners
- project implementers will be responsible for securing funding for projects that they wish to undertake. No assumptions have been made about who will pay for any particular component of any projects.
While there are some projects that would require input from particular organisations (as noted in the project assessment forms), it is assumed that any person or organisation could become involved in any of the projects identified. No project is tagged to any specific organisations for undertaking. It is expected that iwi priority projects would be led by iwi but this may be in collaboration with others.
Priority locations and projects
1. Central/Lower Waikato covers the stretch of river from Karāpiro Dam to Te Puuaha and all of the subcatchment tributaries that flow into it.
>>> View the Project Assessment Form
2. Upper Waikato covers the stretch of the river from Huka Falls to Karāpiro Dam and all of the subcatchment tributaries that flow into it. The hydro lakes are included in this unit.
>>> View the Project Assessment Form
3. Waipā covers the waterways from Pekepeke Springs through the main Waipā River and down to the confluence with the Waikato at Ngāruawāhia and all subcatchment tributaries that flow into that stretch.
>>> View the Project Assessment Form
4. Shallow Lakes cover lakes greater than 1ha and less than 10m in depth across the entire Waikato-Waipā catchment. Shallow lakes were separated out from other ecosystem types due to their generally poor current state and the unique challenges that they face for restoration.
>>> View the Project Assessment Form
Iwi projects
1. Waikato Tainui
2. Raukawa
3. Te Arawa River Trust
4. Ngāti Tūwharetoa
5. Maniapoto
6. Iwi priorities for shallow lakes